Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I've been tagged

I've been tagged by my better half to write eight random things about myself. Here's me:

1) I live in the house I was brought to from the hospital. I teach in my alma mater. At one point, I was teaching 9th grade English in the room in which I was taught 9th grade English--that was too weird even for me. Anyway, the prime minister (aka my wife) says I live at 5709 Memory Lane.

2) I'm descended from at least eight people who rode on the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. Thanksgiving is kind of a big deal for me.

3) I think I look good in cranberry and forest green, but my actual favorite colors are purple and silver, which I really wouldn't want to wear.

4) My parents met at a science fiction convention, as did the prime minister and I. (Not so likely for my kids, as we've stopped going.)

5) I'm a former Unitarian Universalist, which means that when I prayed, it was "to whom it may concern."

6) Polar bears are my favorite animal. Have been for years. I really see God's beauty, power, and playfulness in these creatures.

7) I support Mike Huckabee for president, and I think Pat Robertson and NRLC were totally out to lunch with their endorsements. Oh, and I'm a lifelong Democrat.

8) I have about 7500 comic books in the back basement, but I'm probably going to let go of about half of them as soon as I figure out how to use eBay.

Whew! Eight random facts in eight minutes. I don't blog enough to tag other people, so you'll have to consider yourselves tagged . . .

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